YOUNGIS is a network of young scholars from Dutch Universities, specialising in criminal law. The group is embedded within the Netherlands National Group – Gezelschap voor Internationaal Strafrecht (GIS) of the International Association of Penal Law/Association International de Droit Pénal (AIDP).

The group aims at pursuing two main lines of activities:

-  becoming a hub for young criminal legal scholars in the Netherlands to network, exchange ideas, discuss ongoing or future research, create consortia to propose grant applications;

-  organizing symposiums, i.e., international conferences dedicated to young scholars hosted at Dutch universities.

Do you conduct research in the field of criminal justice at a Dutch university or research institute? Do you work in the field of criminal law in the Netherlands? Would you like to take part in their activities?
YOUNGIS is organizing a networking event. The event will be the occasion to officially launch the network, and its activities, and to find new members. 


Registration deadline is 18/10/2024